01) Motorbrain – White Horse
02) Holix – Space Bar
03) NaSpa – Redemption
04) Neverwaz & Lost Reflection – Religion’s Brutality
05) Maleficarvm – Axis Vortex
06) Necroillusion – Twin Mirror
07) Bones & Violets – Reincarnation En Zara Monrroy
08) INterior_veNT – Spontaneous Combustion
09) KinetiK Flux – The Snow That Capture The Sound
10) Master Of Horror – Artilugio Malvado
11) Suffer Misery – BruXXXa VermelhA
12) Paranoia Sector – The Dark Side Of The Moon

The six simple machines are the primary machines that can be found in even the most complex machines :

THE WEDGE – This simple machine allows motion from objects such as hammers to be transferred into a breaking, cutting, or splitting motion. The wedge is a key machine used in machines that cut or break objects..

released September 23, 2019

Compiled by : Lost Reflection
Mastering by : Atrus
Artwork by : Mantzaraise

@all rights reserved